Web person
I'm a front-end developer, interested in the web as a platform; using and abusing front end tools to create nice things. I work for HMA and make other things in my spare time. There isn't a specific section of the website to showcase this but there are a few thoughts and posts in the blog section, as well as non-web-related posts.
I take lots of photographs. I particularly enjoy street photography, and thinking about photography generally. I have built up a considerable archive of photographs... personal, professional, street, abstract, macro, events, film, digital, good, bad. On this site I have put various photographs strewn about - some organised into sets, others within text and writing and audio.
I also have an instagram account, where I periodically upload photos, but I wanted to present my photos with more control on this site.
PhotosGeneral person
I'm also someone who lives and enjoys living. Living in Sheffield, England. Interested in:
- optics
- memory
- perception
- genetics
- ethics
- biology
- privacy
- money
- language
- identity
Although I don't write much about these myself, I have collected some links from around the web that I find interesting.
Related to my interestsContact
If you find anything broken, have an enquiry about photography or development, or just want to reach out, email me at gcschino[at]hotmail[dot]com